Sunday, December 30, 2007


Behold the leggings ,beautiful invention
like a thicker panty hose ,that can be worn
underneath for those in cold weather ! brrr
or as pants ,more or a big accessories
Because they became a staple in any woman's
winter,from plaid to bright green,so much
variety,and if u wanna ease into wearing them
wear a jean skirt over them,wont feel naked,as
it may feel for first time wearers.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Red Bliss

After a couple month hiatus i'm back!
And checking in the newest trends,so The big things for alot of fall shows were lucious red lips ala Angelina Jolie or Nicole Kidman,yes it is the true seductress Color and romantic chic soo remember find your shade ,it isn't one Size fits all!